Q1 What has been the BEST LOCATION in the world you have travelled to for work, and what was it for?
Best location - Egypt - we were there for 30 days shooting a campaign for tourism
Egypt. it was bot the hardest job and the best job ever. the conditions were really tough, and production there is quite different from here, as they don’t cater for the crew, so we were all starving and dying for coffee. but once i learned how to ask for coffee in arabic i could get it anytime i wanted! we travelled the length and breadth of the country and shot at every imaginable site. the ancient architecture was incredible. but the country was a mess. rubbish everywhere, and very corrupt…
Q2 what is the ONE tool or product you cannot live with out in your kit?
The one thing i can’t live without is my Mason Pearson.
Q3 ho would be the ONE person in the world you would love to work your magic on?
i’ve been pretty lucky to have worked on almost everyone i could imagine as an icon ion fashion and beauty… the one person i’d love to work my magic on would be Milla Jovovich
Q4 What is your favourite KATKIT ROAD Pro Case in the range?
My favourite KATKIT pro case is the AIRCRAFT - it’s so versatile. i use out in my kit when i’m travelling to keep products from spilling (especially mousse and oil), and then when i’m on location i use it a set bag. and if i travel for a specific job but need to take more clothes or other stuff, i can pack a mini kit especially for one girl…
Q5 What is your daily routine & how are you keeping yourself occupied being in Isolation like the rest of the world?
Last year I took the reigns of piiq digital, a smart salon software company we started a few years ago. so i’ve been working round the clock trying to manage the issues caused by this crisis and create a solution to help salons service this crisis https://piiq.supportyoursalon.com.au is a way for consumers to get a professional recommendation for at home hair care, at home. and support their local salon with 40% of proceeds going to the salon of their choice.
Q6 when our current global situation is all over, what is the very first thing you will set out to do?
The very first thing i will do as soon as social isolation and social distancing is over, is go to jiujitsu! i’ve been going insane without my daily practice and I am desperate for a scrap!